Our Core Focus


Bring young people in various communities together to share ideas and agricultural practices helping them to be aware of the importance of the agriculture and how it can help our community development in a sustainable pathway. If we consider being born and raised in a remote area in Haiti, we can consider that we are all farmers; everyone knows how to plant a tree or a fruit, but now it’s about to provide quality agricultural training to those among them who wish to make the land productive. Fill them with technical skills so that they can achieve the best possible results as farmers.


Dental Clinic

To provide free dental care for every deaf individual around, especially those at the school and a Low-cost dental care to everyone in the surrounding communities.(Upon completion)

Cabinet making

To introduce and provide them with training in cabinet making, upon completion they will end the apprentice session to get into a working journey that will help them into sustainable pathways.

Raising Goats

When we first started with this project, we planned to raise goats then to eventually use goats upon needed, for food, or sell to cover expenses. But we changed the program into allowing parents of the deaf children to raise the goats then every time there are new baby goats, we create a new raiser.


This sewing training program will focus on three specifics objectives: - Creation of small original collections of useful objects - Learning basic sewing techniques in order to be able confection freely - Specific training focused on the making of the traditional “clothing such as, uniforms and other general events.

Chicken coop

Our chicken coop project was built and launched by a team from QLBC, from Stockton California when they had a Mission team to come over in 2017. They built the chicken coop and got it equipped and everything.

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